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Building Permits In California


Permitting In The Golden State

Construction in California is a dynamic and multifaceted sector, characterized by a balance between high demand for housing and infrastructure development. Recent trends, including a surge in Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) construction, reflect the industry's adaptability to address the state's ongoing housing needs while navigating a complex regulatory landscape, including securing California building permits for all projects.

From Sacramento to San Diego, PermitFlow provides builders in California a streamlined solution to research, apply for, and manage all building permits for their projects from one easy-to-use dashboard.

PermitFlow is well versed in pulling building permits in California including Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, Oakland, Long Beach, Fremont, Riverside and more.

See a PermitFlow demo for California building permits.

Why builders permit with PermitFlow

Permits Faster & EasierYour Permits
01.  Permits Faster & Easier

We take paperwork and submittals off your hands. We combine software and local knowledge to prepare requirement ready, error-free applications that save your team hours of time and shorten municipal review cycles so you can get to construction faster.

Team of Local ExpertsAmanda
02. Team of Local Experts

We are a team of architects, structural engineers, and previous city planners and permit specialists with years of collective experience. Our deep, local municipal expertise ensures your project is permitted as smoothly as possible.

Building PermitBuilding Permit
03. Permit in One Place

Submit, track, and pull permits all in one platform and avoid deciphering municipal websites. Collaborate with your architects, contractors, and stakeholders in PermitFlow to increase project velocity and transparency.

Nationwide CoverageCATX
04. Nationwide Coverage

With our nationwide coverage, we can help you with permits in a single municipality or across multiple states. Whether your business is just starting out or scaling quickly, we’re here to partner with you each step of the way.

What our users say


It used to take 2-3 months to get a permit. PermitFlow cut that in half, plus their website handles all the permitting paperwork.

Project Manager
Project Manager
General Contractor

I would be depressed if I lost PermitFlow. It is a platform that I depend on. I have it open daily and our whole team uses it to monitor projects.

Project Manager
Ops Manager
General Contractor

My expediter went on vacation, leaving me empty-handed on a time-sensitive project. PermitFlow kept that project on track, and it’s reliable and easy-to-use.

Project Manager
General Contractor

PermitFlow kicked ass for us, getting a permit set issued in record time. It was a total win for us!

Project Manager
Project Manager
Real Estate Developer

Prepare and submit permits in days,
not weeks

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